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48 Watermelons

Luke Fish

I bought 48 watermelons. I don't give 12 to my friend Justin and 15 to my cousin Kendra just to ask a room full of exhausted six-year-olds how many I have left. I simply want to be noticed. I get noticed in the grocery store. I see mothers hush their children after they unabashedly ask, "Mommy, why does that man have eight carts filled with watermelons?" and, "Is he sure this is a responsible financial decision for a single-income household just above the poverty line?" I don't mind. It just makes me smile. I get noticed on the freeway. I see Honda Civics push their engines to the limit, sputtering along the road like a racehorse with too many miles to go before he sleeps, just to catch a glimpse at the massive multitude of rotund, green spheres bouncing around in the back seat of my Subaru. Most importantly, I get noticed at home. I see my daughter smiling when I pull into the driveway, excitedly jumping up and down because she gets to help bring each and every melon into the house. I hear my wife exasperatedly sigh, saying that she preferred my obsession with blackberries, because 36,000 of those were easier to fit in the fridge. I don't mind. I know she loves me. The three of us pile our watermelons in front of the windows, hiding from the world. Now, I sit amongst my pillars of fruitery as my wife and daughter sit with me. For once, I am content to be unnoticed, as long as we are unnoticed together.

About the Author


      Luke Fish is a nineteen year old student at Red Rocks Community College who is currently attending his third year at the college. When not in class, Luke follows his passions by working as an actor in musical theatre. Most recently, Luke performed as Hero in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum at the Lakewood Cultural Center. After this semester, he plans to transfer to a 4-year university to get a degree in psychology so he can become a clinical psychotherapist and follow his dream of helping others.

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